
What’s the word with the Womb?

A number of years ago I started tracking my menstrual cycle, this commitment to deepen my self knowledge created a massive shift in my awareness and connection to my womb, one larger than I could have ever imagined.

Tracking my cycle gifted me tangible insights into my monthly “moods”, which gave me the ability to implement self-care strategies, and communicate my needs with people around me more effectively, I slowly started to find my flow.

I started to realize that our womb is a beacon of wisdom and that if we listen it can help us map out and navigate our inner and our worlds.

As I tuned in more and more into my womb space I started to realize that the spiritual centre of a woman is her womb. It is our creative centre, and the storehouse of our sensuality, emotions, traumas, memories and wisdom.

I like to think of the womb as being my a beautiful rose with multiple layers of petals, that the more that I meditated and connected with my womb, I was taken into a deep layer.

I slowly became called to start doing rituals around my bleeding time, the I felt called to do a ritual around releasing the energy of x partners from my womb, to create space for the energy of my new partnership.

Last year I had two abnormal Pap tests, in addition to this was experiencing chronic pelvic pain, that was unexplainable by doctors.I intuitively I knew these “abnormal” results were stress related, and if I looked a little deeper I knew that I was feeling a bit stifled creatively. That I had been negating the strong call In my life to return to Peru, as well as shift my work back to working with women.

My womb was communicating with me; I consider myself to be a pretty embodied person and aware of my emotions and physical cues,

I started doing daily morning breathing exercise with my womb, followed with a little bit of movement, art and expressive writing. The messages that came through were clear, my womb guided me back to return to Peru, to heal, past traumas of my own and of my female linage, so that I could create new space to receive my partner. The chronic pelvic pain has stopped, and I have had no more abnormal Pap tests.

Womb centred meditations, breathing techniques, yoga and movement exercises to support our womb, along with nursing teas and foods, gave me the ability to tune into the wisdom of my womb, which guided me to release blocks that were preventing me from flowing in my life.

These are just some of the reasons why I offer womb healing ceremonies, and teach courses on our moon cycle.


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