There was a time when you trusted yourself completely. When your body moved without hesitation, when your voice spoke without second-guessing, when your dreams felt as natural as breathing. Before the world told you to shrink. Before you learned to trade instinct for approval. Before the weight of expectations taught you to silence parts of yourself to fit in, to be loved, to stay safe.
But those lost parts of you? They never truly disappeared. They are still here—waiting.
How We Lose Connection With Ourselves
We are shaped by the world around us. As children, we move freely, create without self-judgment, and express our emotions without hesitation. But somewhere along the way, we begin to adapt. We learn the rules of belonging—what is acceptable, what is “too much,” what makes others comfortable. And in that process, we tuck away the parts of ourselves that don’t fit into the roles we are expected to play.
This can happen in subtle ways:
You stop dancing because someone laughed at you once.
You quiet your opinions because you were told you were too loud, too sensitive, too much.
You set aside creativity because responsibilities took over.
You stop listening to your body because you were taught to push through exhaustion, pain, or discomfort.
Each time we suppress a part of ourselves, it doesn’t disappear—it simply goes dormant, waiting for us to return.
The Signs That Parts of You Are Calling to Be Reclaimed
Sometimes, you can feel the ache of something missing. You might not know exactly what, but there’s a pull, a whisper, a feeling of nostalgia for who you used to be. Other times, these lost parts show up in patterns—resistance, longing, creative blocks, or a sense of disconnection.
Some signs that you are being called back to yourself include:
Feeling creatively blocked—as if something inside you wants to be expressed but can’t find a way out.
Longing for past versions of yourself—the dancer, the dreamer, the writer, the wild one.
A sense of disconnection from your body—feeling numb, restless, or unable to access your emotions. Repeated emotional patterns—such as feeling unseen, unheard, or not fully yourself in relationships.
A deep inner knowing that you are meant for more—but feeling uncertain about where to begin.
These are invitations. Your body, your emotions, and your intuition are guiding you back home.
The Body Remembers
Even when we forget, our bodies hold our stories. Our movements, our posture, the way we breathe—all of it carries the imprint of our experiences, the parts of ourselves we’ve hidden, the emotions we’ve suppressed.
This is why reclaiming yourself isn’t just about remembering—it’s about embodiment. It’s about bringing those lost parts back into the present, into movement, into voice, into breath. It’s about letting your body speak and listening to what it has to say.
Going Deeper: Reclaiming Yourself Through Embodiment
If this speaks to you, know that you don’t have to do this alone. Reconnecting with the lost parts of yourself is a process—one that requires patience, self-compassion, and safe spaces where you can explore without judgment.
That’s why I’ve created a 5min audio-guided practice inside the FREE Dance, Heal, Transform membership. This practice is designed to gently guide you into a deeper conversation with yourself—one where you can begin to listen to what has been silenced, move with what has been stuck, and reclaim what has always been yours.
✨ A guided 5 min journey to reconnect with the lost parts of yourself
✨ Journaling prompts for deep reflection to honor what is ready to return
Are you ready to begin? Join the membership and access the full practice today.
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Your body remembers. Your soul remembers. It’s time to return.