
One Minute Mediation

Breathing in through the nose, 
Breathing out through the mouth.

Breathing in feeling your lungs expanding, 
Breathing out feeling a sense of letting go. 

Breathing in to feel your body fill up with vital energy,
Breathing out to feel the release of any tension 

Breathing in feeling alive and awake, 
Breathing out feeling your muscles relaxing. 

Breathing in a sense of fullness
Breathing out unnecessary tension 
Try doing this today when you need a little self-care.


Pause wherever you are and take a breathe, follow the prompts above or follow your own intuitive meditative flow.

I’ve done this meditation at the beginning of my day and end of my day, sitting a my desk, waiting in a grocery line, stoped at a red light. 

BASICALLY it’s perfect at anytime of your day. 

May we all continue to find moments of peace ✌🏽 πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ