
Dancing with Your Emotions

Feelings can often be overwhelming, but what if you could dance with them instead of trying to push them away or just “sit with them”?

Dance/Movement Therapy help us connect with our emotions at a body level – letting them move through us rather than getting stuck in the body.

Here is a simple guide on how to start:

1. Become aware of the emotion. Tune into how it feels in your body.

2. Name it. Is it sadness, anger, anxiety, frustration?

3. Accept that the emotion is here right now. Witness the emotion as part of your current experience.

4. Get curious about how it moves in your body- what does it want to express?

5. Release it. Allow your body to move and let it go.

Remembered emotions are meant to come up and be moved through, not get stuck.

Let me know have you danced/moved with your emotions before? How was it for you? Let me know in the comments 👇🏽

If you are new to dancing with your emotions, the next time you are feeling emotionally “icky” put some music on and dance it out!

Looking for 1-1 support? Drop me an email lizatlizdiaz.ca to find out more about personalized sessions.